Tuesday, July 9, 2013

B4: Plant Histology

  • size (relative)
  • shape
  • structure (including color)
  • organization
Types of Tissues


Made up of 3 cell types:
  • parenchyma - uniform primary cell wall METABOLISM
  • collenchyma - unevenly thick (patterns of cell - cell wall - cell - cell wall) PLASTIC GROWTH
  • sclerenchyma - secondary cell wall (red, has thicker outlines) MECHANICAL SUPPORT, FLEXIBILITY

Meristems - founder cells in the mature plant (this is where they come from)

  • apical - found at tips (shoot/root apical meristem)
  • lateral - circumferential growth (ex. flat cells)

dermal, ground, vascular tissue systems


  • uniseriate - single layer of cells
  • multiseriate - multiple layer of cells (e.g. Ficus elastica)

Composed of: guard cells, accessory cells, pavement cells (surrounding accessory cells). Specimen examined: Tradescantia, abaxial side.

Trichomes - epidermal outgrowths

a) SIMPLE (1 cell type)
1) Parenchyma
i) chlorenchyma - chloroplast
ii) aerenchyma - airspaces
iii) storage parenchyma - contain plastids, food

3) sclerenchyma
i) sclereids - short and round, compact
ii) fibers - cells elongated and tapering

b) COMPLEX (more than 1 cell type)
1) xylem
i) water conducting elements
- tracheids - thin, long, tapering ends
- vessels - wide diamater, open ends

2)  phloem
i) sieve tubes - sugar; companion cells - metabolism & maintenance
   parenchyma cells, no nuclei


Shoot apical meristem of Coleus

Pyrus  - (pear) pulp, squash mt w/ alcohol phloroglucinol
sclereid - stained violet
parenchyma - bubble like structures

Gossypium - (cotton) wet mount


TRICHOMES - epidermal outgrowths (all under LPO)
  1. Stellate (Urena lobata)
  2. Scale (Eleagnus philippinensis)
  3. Branching (Vervascum thapscus) LPO
  4. Bristle (mucuna pruriens)
  5. Glandular (munligia calabure)
  6. T-shaped (Chrysophyllum)
  7. Simple hairs (Theobroma cacao)
  8. Stinging (Laportea meyeniana)

TRACHEARY ELEMENTS - vessels in macerated stems of different plants
Patterns of secondary wall thickening:
annular - fine ring along walls of xylem
helical - spiral
pitted - walls have deposits, pits (empty spaces on walls)
scalariform - look like ladders
reticulate/netted - "gulo gulo"

  1. Pinus HPO - pitted, tracheid
  2. Tilia HPO - scalariform, vessel
  3. Helianthus HPO - reticulate, vessel
  4. Cucurbita HPO - helical (can't tell if vessel or tracheid)
  5. Zea HPO - annular
